of color, Blood
of color, Blood | ceramic, mirror | 54” x 24” x 6” | 2023
The portrayal of many black and blue, brown and pale faces embraces our unique yet common humanity to assert our individual and collective ideas to realize oneself in relation to others.
The work collectively shares stories of pain, conflict, and suffering because of prevalent social, cultural, and political disparities. Yet, To think beyond the colonial framework and critique disparities based on race, gender, religion, class, and power, which brings social conflicts and relational clashes, the work "of color, Blood" highlights the common bloodline color for love and compassion. We are all people "of color, Blood."
Work, of color, Blood was exhibited -
2024 No Dead Artists | Ferrara Showman Gallery | Julia Street | New Orleans LA | September - October
2024 The Self as the Other | Overbrook Gallery | Muskegon, MI | (Solo Exhibition) March - April
2023 the Other one | Carroll Gallery | Tulane University | New Orleans, LA | (Solo Exhibition) March