ec·o·log·i·cal > Once: Living or Never

Living: Once or Never
Installation/ archival project
(found once living and never living objects, handmade ceramics, and dining table)

Variable size - display 36” x 67” (dinning table)
Total individual 27 items in the collection
Living: Once or Never
Installation/ archival project
(found once living and never living objects, handmade ceramics, and dining table)

Variable size - display 36” x 67” (dinning table)
Total individual 27 items in the collection

“Living: Once or Never” is a collection of material traces of everyday essentials shaping our ecosystem. The project is a reflective study dealing with our changing nature and our loss of connection with it. Local, domestic, ritualistic archiving of non-living & once-living things from every day walks and once immediate environment makes for private yet our shared reality.

The process has been of being mindful and empathic while slowing down and focus on seeing. A reflective and responsive practice, which also extended to host virtual studio visits along with meaningful exchange through conversational engagement about archiving, food, ecology, art, and gender.

Dates of events organized - Final works published July 20, 2020
Studio Visit and engagement: July 21, 2020, July 22, 2020, and July 25, 2020, at 8 pm IST.